Friday, May 15, 2009


Looks like we might have a decent day or two this weekend, but if the weatherman is correct, next weekend may be even nicer. They are calling for high 70's by Thursday. I can NOT wait.

It was an interesting week at work, no, I didn't hear crickets this time. Just last minute stuff the boss "forgot" too add to the schedule, that had to be done before we left. I was in my usual place on the grinder, so I had to opportunity to watch the hilarity of everyone scrambling like little busy bees. Nice change. Usually by 1:00p.m. Thursday most everyone is on autopilot for the weekend. This time, I was way ahead on material, so I took it easy the whole day. If the boss had come back and checked I'm sure she would have moved me to another area, instead I spent the day looking busy doing nothing much. I only ground up 1600 pounds of scrap. (slacking I know) The normal rate for a day is between 2000-2300 pounds.
Enjoy the weekend everyone.

1 comment:

Diane said...

70! send it here! we're at 90+

And get crackin on that mopping!