It's been unseasonably warm lately, with a lot of rain. I have heard it will be a very active tornado season, and I can believe it. We don't normally get temps in the mid 40's for this long in March.
Work is still busy as heck, and the overtime keeps coming. Within the next few weeks they will start moving our department, over to the plant, on the other side of town. It will cut about 15 minutes off my commute to and from work. The only issue there is, we have heard that the supervisor is an asshat. He treats the sole female worker over there right now, like trash. I hate to tell him, but he has 14 more women, on the way :D And at least one of them (me), has NO intentions of being anyone's whipping post. Any one that knows me, knows I don't ever back down, no matter the rank of the person involved. I will fight for what is right, and I will take his sorry, woman hating a$$ to court, if need be.
My daughter takes her LPN board test the 19th of March. I will be taking off Thursday and she and I will drive down to Brookfield Thursday afternoon. I hate trying to navigate an unknown city at night, and there was no way I wanted to work 12 hours then drive down afterward. She has to be there at 7:30 Friday morning and it is almost a 3 hour drive from here.
I started a new physical therapy for my shoulder this week. Two hours a day, five days a week. It is something I could be doing at home, and not lose two hours worth of work each day. (what a waste) I did the circuit they had mapped out, that was suppose to last 2 hours, in under 90 minutes. (and never broke a sweat) The therapist was not a happy camper. And to all those that are thinking I should be enjoying the two hour break from work, buzz off. Some of us happen to love our jobs. Not to mention, we are so busy right now, that I just have to work twice as fast when I get back.
Other than that, I don't have a whole lot to say.
Stay safe out there America, it's a wicked world we live in.
If there is one truth in all of this mess, it's that it's NOT the WORLD that is wicked...
It's the wicekd people INFESTING it that make it so.
And that should give all of us a bit more hope in tomorrow.
Take care and have a good week.
Congratulations on Your daughter passing her tests, im soooooo proud of her !!! Now you can stop worrying bout her and start taking care of yourself more :|, and you know exactly what im saying brat LOL, be good will catch you sooner then you think :D
Is that my auntie Marianne ??? :O cuz this is Doe!!! But in case you're not, sorry for the misunderstanding :P That would be embarrassing to call someone my aunt who isn't... and yea I did pass the LPN boards, and in a year I'll be taking the RN boards! WOOT! I'm so happy and very proud. Ma and I had a pretty good time down there, although it wasn't much of a holiday. But we did get a chance to just hang out, which made it well worth while. I took the boards on Mom's birthday and passed...what a sweet birthday present eh? :)
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