Sunday, March 6, 2011


The boss came up to me Friday when I got to work. He said he had good and bad news. I told him to give me the bad news first. The bad news is several people are on vacation next week so I need you to go to day shift. Ooook then, what's the good news? The good news is you'll go back to nights the following week.

I really think he and I need to discuss what constitutes good and bad news, because I truly believe we are NOT on the same page here.

The only good thing is I have a vacation day coming up mid March, although working the Wednesday night before sort of cuts into it. I'm pretty sure he doesn't remember that yet. He will soon enough.

Keep it between the lines, and see you on the flip side.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Goodness gracious...can anyone at your shop ever figure out a NORMAL schedule?
My Dad used to rotate between THREE shifts every TWO weeks...dunno how he ever did it all those years.
Some months, we hardly saw him at all.

He did swap with co-workers whenever possible to grab the 12-8 shift...night differential added in.

Nice to know that "crazy" still operates in some places when it comes to shift-work.

Get your rest.
And stay safe out there.