Friday, May 27, 2011

Ithaca Superintendent asks Gov. Snyder to 'convert my school to a prison.'

Ithaca Superintendent asks Gov. Snyder to 'convert my school to a prison.': "Superintendent Nathan Bootz has asked Governor Rick Snyder to “convert my school to a prison.” What questions do you want NBC25 to ask the superintendent?"

I read the letter he sent, and I absolutely loved the wording and logic he used. I wonder if he is interested in moving to Wisconsin. Prisons are getting so many amenities now a days, it is more like a dayem hotel then a place to pay for your crimes. It's sickening.

1 comment:

Bob G. said...

Yeah, I totally agree.
I can''t honestly remember WHEN the judicial & penal systems took the word PENITENT out of all the PENITENTIARIES!

They used to call it HARD TIME for a REASON.

(I miss THOSE days).

Good post.

Stay safe out there.